Message in a Bottle #3

A symphony of cicadas announced summer nights under a sliver of silver moonlight. Humid breezes teased my locks and inspired canopies to dance above. Cocooned in a swaying hammock, I asked myself, "where is my bliss?"

In the stillness of my prayer, my heart sang of you; led the mind to envision your slow smile and wicked gaze. Behind closed eyes, I felt the memory of you wrapped around me and sighed. 

My lips curled in humor, remembering us building on each other's moves, twisting arm holds, body flips, sultry bites, and unexpected screams. Hours spent in playful, sensual creation and friendly competition. 

And as my breath stilled again, I remember how I had looked back to find your wicked gaze studying me. My heart skipped a beat, then two... when it started again, the rhythms had changed. A new song controlled my heart's dance as if to say, "here I am."


Message in a Bottle #4


Message in a Bottle #2