Message in a Bottle #6

Photo by Yohann LIBOT

I am not there and you are not here.

I slow my breath and deepen it, long drawn out inhales that expand my ribs. Pressing, squeezing down through my sides–I exhale, and for this moment, paused between the in and out– my heart yearns for you.

Fingertips ache to trace the lines of your back. I miss the scent of you. I long to breath you in. Shutting my eyes tight, I search for the taste of you on my lips. I listen to your recorded voice on my phone and remember the commands you whispered in my ear that made me wet.

You haunt my soul and I remain unable to exorcise my addiction. My heart weeps despair when I try–She is an unwilling thing, refusing to be denied–and happy to let me ache. She has faith, I know not from where, and believes wholly that you are worth the wait.


Message in a Bottle #5